Valentine’s Day Activities for You and Your Kiddo

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Valentine’s day is a wonderful way to connect with your little one.  After the rush and excitement of the holiday season, we all need a little treat.  Although there is a pressure to celebrate a certain way with someone special, we have a choice about how to interpret this message.  Personally, I decided to flip the message a long time ago.  This holiday has given me the opportunity to create new traditions and incorporate ideas that I simply can’t get to during the Christmas season.  Here are some of my Valentine’s Day traditions and a few more that I have recently discovered! 


  1. Making Homemade Valentine Cards–  I personally started making cards when one of my good friends became a mom!  This is a wonderful activity that you can do with your child at the kitchen table with construction paper and crayons.  It can even be taken a step further by going to a craft store and picking out supplies.  Either way both of you can relax and express your creativity! 


  1. Valentine’s Day Café Date– Literacy Advocate, Maya Smart, mentioned this idea during the Christmas season and it sounded brilliant!  Set a date in the calendar for you and your child to go out to coffee shop to spend time together.  Whether you have a special desert or are writing cards, choosing a location outside your home can make it more special and feel like a treat.


  1. Sending Valentine Cards to relatives– It is understood to give Valentine cards to everyone in the classroom but what about relatives.  This is a great way to demonstrate kindness and remember family and friends.  I find I always run out of time to send Christmas cards and sending cards at Valentine’s day feels so fulfilling.  There is something magical about getting a card in the mail! 


  1. Baking Together– Valentine’s day is a wonderful holiday to bake!  We often see so many families baking for Christmas so why not Valentine’s day.  Baking is another way to spend quality time with your kiddo while also sparking creativity.  If there is something you didn’t get to bake over the holiday season, this is a perfect time to squeeze in that special goodie that you are craving. 

The beauty of these ideas is that you can do them anytime of the year!  The best lesson I ever learned was understanding that there is an opportunity to love and be loved every day.   These activities are ways for you to connect with your little one but also allow them reciprocate that love back.  This choice to love and be loved every day and that is a beautiful thing. 

Love Always,

Kristina Lucia xox