When was the last time you played?

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When was the last time you played?  As children, this was the main item on the agenda with no time constraints and a whole lot of freedom!  We dressed our dolls and gave them the ages and names we desired.  Our building blocks and Legos transformed into sky scrapers and cities of our dreams in no time.  However, we grow up and life responsibilities set in and play time becomes frivolous and silly.  I am here to tell you that it is not.  Play time is just as important to adults as it is to children. 

Play by both concept and definition is an activity that allows us explore and express ourselves.  Toys are a tool to aid this exploration and inspire the user to test the limits.  Children are encouraged to develop this curiosity and stretch their imaginations further.  Although there is that point where we begin to feel self-conscious and the desire to belong takes over the willingness to try new things.  I know this all too well.

From a very young age I have had a natural and strong sense of both faith and imagination.  I started my creative training at an early age and was very fortunate to have a teacher who understood the importance of both freedom and play.  On the other hand, I was systematically abused and bullied my entire childhood and the majority of my adulthood.  It is painful to be labeled as silly and weird.  What I have found in my healing journey is that by embracing the unknown new discoveries occur and when someone is telling me I am silly it is a projection of their own fears and insecurities.  Yes, people told me I was crazy to move to NYC at eighteen and here I am several years later living in one of the most complex cities in the world.  Yes, I was told I was insane to start traveling the world but here I am an avid traveler with tons of stories to tell you.  Yes, I was told I was out of my mind to become an entrepreneur but here I am writing this blog for you as an award winning author and a multiple time bestselling author.  All these discoveries came from the courage to play and the choice to block out the negativity of the world. 

If you are asking “where do I start?”  I invite you to find an activity that you can personally enjoy. 

  • Take the time to enjoy the moment for simply you while having the space to explore and build your confidence.
  • Work this practice into your daily schedule so that it becomes part of your routine. You will see that over time you will have the opportunity to observe and make adjustments.  The option of starting again is always there too.
  • Coloring, doodling, and journaling are wonderful activities that you can do to release your creative energy and give you the space to explore.

I promise if you commit to one of these activities on daily basis over a period of time you will find yourself led to new discoveries.  Your inner child needs the space to express themselves and a daily play time is the best way to give this child and yourself a voice.  Let’s make playtime part of our regular routines so that the next time you are asked “when was the last time you played?” you can reply today!

Love Always,

Kristina Lucia xoxo