Reading Time

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I love reading with Mommy!  Every day Mommy and I read several books together.  Even when Mom is cleaning or cooking, I flip through my books on my own and look at the colorful pictures.  Sometimes I pull my books off the shelves and giggle.  I am learning to put my books back so that Mommy doesn’t always need to clean up after me. 

Last week, Mommy set up a reading nook for me.  It is so cozy!  I got up from my nap and Mommy had a tent set up with lights, pillows, and books.  Every day after my nap I choose a book and we snuggle up to read.  I choose “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas”.  Mommy laughs and says that Christmas is many months away.  Then she always smiles and reads the story.  I laugh at the same parts and snuggle more into Mommy’s side.  I love the smell of her perfume and spending time with her.   

Bella’s Mom

I love reading with Bella!  Every day we read several books together between playtime and a story at bedtime.  While I am cleaning and cooking, I glance over and often observe Bella  flipping through her books.  She is quite captivated by the illustrations while she also enjoy pulling her books off the shelves and giggles at the mess that is made.  Thankfully, she is learning to put her books back on the shelves without me nagging too much.

Last week, I set me up a reading nook while Bella was napping.  I put up a tent in the corner of our family room and added some extra touches.  I strung lights inside the tent, added pillows, and a selection of books.  Bella’s eyes lit up when she saw it!  Now every day after her nap she races to the tent and chooses a book.  We snuggle up to read it together.  Although it is March, Dr. Seuss’ “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas” is the poplar choice.  I laugh and remind Bella that Christmas is many months away.  She always looks at me un-phased and I have to smile.  I am grateful that she sees no limits!  Bella always giggles at the same parts especially the line of “The noise, noise, noise.  How I hate all the noise, noise, noise.”  I find myself laughing too and enjoy the extra snuggle from my daughter.  I love spending this quality time with her.