Kicking off Read Across America with Dr. Seuss!

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Dear Reader,

It is Read Across America week and what a better way to kick it off than with Dr. Seuss’ birthday!  What is your favorite Dr. Seuss book?  I wish there was a message feature right here so that I could read everyone’s responses!  There are so many stories to choose from and each embody the unique touch of Ted Geisel’s imagination.  As an artist, his audacity and creativity continue to influence my own work. 

As I have written previously, there are so many authors that have touched me both as a child and an adult (Jan Brett and Katherine Holabird to name a few!) and of course Dr. Seuss is among them.  When I started my journey of pivoting careers, Ted Geisel was and still is one of my main sources of inspiration and motivation.  His ability to create without apologies and limits continuously amazes me and his rhymes never fail to make me laugh.  I also feel a sense of connection in that he started writing children’s books in his mid-thirties.  Prior to becoming an author, he was drawing and exploring his art and during the war had a job of designing war cartoons where he met Chuck Jones, the creator of Bugs Bunny.  When I first discovered these facts, I realized that it is never too late and it is up to you to find the green light and move forward.

The other element that touches me is how timeless his work is and watching each generation grow a new fondness to these beloved tales.  My Mom’s favorite was the 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins.  I can close my eyes are see the book she saved from her childhood.  As children we would snuggle into her as she read us Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham, and so many more.  Now as an Aunt I find myself reading these stories to the next generation.  (Yes, I have several copies of his books in my home for when the kids come to visit.  I take my Aunt role seriously and aim to be prepared J). 

Circling back to my original question, one of my favorite Dr. Seuss books is Oh, the Places You’ll Go.  This is primary gift for graduations.  I find the message is universal and can’t think of a better way to tell someone how proud and excited I am for their next chapter in life.  When I read this book now, I feel it is still speaking to me as an entrepreneur.  This line in particular I hold close to my heart. 

“Today is your day!  Your mountain is waiting. So….get on your way!”

When I declared myself an entrepreneur, I felt a mountain was waiting for me although I did not know what it was.  Courage and curiosity led me to keep climbing.  Discovering my calling to write and illustrate my children’s series gave me the clarity I was seeking.  The beauty of it all is like the character in the story I am still climbing and exploring for “today is your day”!

Wishing a most Happy Birthday to Dr. Seuss!  And a special thank you to him and all the other authors who have created timeless stories that forever live within our hearts.

Love Always,

Kristina Lucia xoxo