Warm Wishes for a Safe 4th of July

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Dear Readers,

Happy 4th of July!!!  I have always enjoyed this week as it seems like the world slows down for a moment.  People leave the office a little earlier.  Some take their vacations.  It is a precious moment in time.  After sharing my big announcement last week, I am feeling a sense of calm in my own space.  What are your plans for the weekend?  I find I am still not sure what I am doing.  The master planner, aka yours truly, is being spontaneous! It does happen from time to time.  Over the years my celebrations have evolved and it finds me once again walking down memory lane.

As a child, I felt the 4th of July was the official start of summer.  By this time the summer routine was in full swing.  Our bathing suits were our daily clothing choice and all activities revolved around the pool.  It was not a bad life!  By the end of June the preparations for the 4th of July celebration would be under way.  Decorations of red, white, and blue appeared on the main streets while in the town center game booths and rides began to appear.  By the 2nd if not the 3rd of July the space was open for business.  The air was filled with ripples of laughter and accompanied with the sounds of prize winning bells.  On the 4th there was an annual parade during the day and fireworks in the evening.  Looking back, I recall what I enjoyed the most was the feeling that time was endless.  There was no rush during these days and the main objective was to smile.  This is the memory I hold close on this holiday as so many others.  Whether it’s a barbeque, day at the beach, or watching the fireworks the main objective is still to have fun and enjoy the company of those surrounding me.

One element that remains consistent is that I do bake for this holiday as for all the others!  I have varied my choices over the years but I find this recipe for blueberry bars is the winner.  My friend’s brother in law has requested them year after year- a consistent stamp of approval.  For my fellow bakers here is the link to the recipe.  I hope it is great addition to the desert table at your holiday gathering!

Wishing you all a most happy and healthy 4th of July!!!

Love Always,

Kristina Lucia xoxo