Quality Time with Mommy at the Playground

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With spring here Mommy and I are doing so many fun things outside!  Some days we play in the yard and prepare the flower garden.  Mommy’s favorite flower is roses but she says they will not bloom until June.  “We need to be patient” she said.

 Today was extra special because Mommy took me to my favorite playground!  I ran around all afternoon with the other children my age.  We played in the sand box, slide down the slides, and swung on the swings.  Although, my favorite place in all of the playground is the tunnels!  They are right in the center of the playground with so many entrances and exits.  I love crawling in one end and appearing out the other side.  When I reappear, Mommy is always smiling and laughing.  I am not sure why but I love seeing her smile and hearing her laugh.

Bella’s Mom

Spring is here and I aiming to take full advantage of it.  It’s nice to take Bella outside and have a change of scenery.  I find the fresh air helps her sleep better and gives me some down time in the afternoon.  I love spending time with my daughter but I do cherish a quiet hour in the sunroom with a cup of tea and a good book. 

 The other day I got an urge to leave the house and brought Bella to the local playground.  I am so proud with how well she plays with the other children.  I chatted with the other Moms while the kids played.  It felt like a double playdate.  Although I was still listening to the conversation, I could not take my eyes off Bella when she discovered the tunnels.  The tunnels are located in the center of the playground with eight different entrances and exits.  Like so many other tasks Bella took the challenge head on and dove right in.  I got nervous for a second.  Should I go check on her?  Moments later my darling child appeared all smiles and giggles and I found myself doing the same.  For most of the afternoon it became an unspoken game of Bella disappearing into one tunnel and reappearing out of another.  Each time I was rewarded with a smile and giggle.  Today was a beautiful day for I love the seeing my daughter smile and hearing her laugh.