Dear Reader,
Italy taught me how to relax! Relaxing is truly a skill. Trust me, it is a concept that I constantly struggle with. I have always considered myself a good student but don’t think I could easily pass a course on relaxation. It should be so easy. Sitting still, breathing, slowing down. It seems straight forward but is definitely easier said than done. I have spoken to so many people who say they fight the urge to constantly check emails while they are away. Others speak of the obstacle of leaving their kids home for a date night. For me it’s watching a movie without a crochet/ knitting project in my hands or a book nearby. However, my recent trip to Italy did teach me how to relax!
In the days leading up to my trip I found myself running around. Sending work emails and finishing illustrations to informing others where I would be while packing and running errands. Literally, I was sending messages till about five minutes before I left for the airport. However, when I arrived at JFK something inside of me clicked. I am on vacation!
From that moment I started to relax! I resumed reading my book and let my mind settle. Taking a break is healthy for the mind and soul. Just like anything else we also need to recharge from time to time.
When I landed, I got the hotel easily, picked up a map of the city, and started exploring. Something inside of me felt like wandering and that is just what I did. I strolled aimlessly through various streets and simply observed the sites around me.
This energy continued throughout the week. I was not bound by time or what day of the week it was and it felt wonderful. I ate meals when I wanted, explored sites, climbed various trails, and went to the beach multiple times. One of my favorite days was playing in the waves of the Mediterranean. By embracing this energy, I found I was able to be present in the moment. As someone pointed out to me, I was able to have quality time for myself and focus on my needs. Yes, I had a glass of red wine each night!
Looking back on this trip, I realize that taking a break from our daily routines is healthy. All relationships require attention and time to develop and evolve. When we relax, we are able to be present and mindful of what is around us. I am grateful to have experienced these magical places of the world so fully. Now is the real challenge. Applying this lesson of relaxation to daily life!
Love Always,
Kristina Lucia xoxo