Inspiration from a Beloved Neighbor

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Dear Reader,

Who is an idol from your childhood?  Although the answer is unique for each of us, the purpose is universal.  An idol is someone we look up to and aspire to be and in many cases are inspired by their work.  In both childhood and adulthood, I have had several idols from Katharine Holabird to Walt Disney to name a few and have even gotten to meet a few of them.  The opportunity to know them as a person is quite magical and has only enhanced what they mean to me in my journey.  A few of my idols passed before I had the opportunity to meet them.  One of these people is Fred Rogers.  The legacy he created inspired me to create my business which continues to bloom before my eyes.

Like many children of my generation, Mister Rogers Neighborhood was a regular stable in our childhood routine.  Fred Rogers’ calm voice and warm smile still sets me at ease as an adult.  My favorite part of the series is the world of make-believe.  Yes, I still want to visit that world.  In the summer of 2019 I watched the Fred Rogers documentary and had a powerful realization.  Mister Rogers Neighborhood was a platform designed to create a safe space for children to communicate their feelings and share their thoughts.  What really moved me the most was Fred Rogers understood the art of communication and the power of listening and respecting others.  He did this so beautifully throughout this series by simplifying situations so that feelings and the pure acts of kindness could be focused on.  Fred Rogers acknowledged and respected that children are very intelligent and have a strong sense of awareness and need the space to explore and develop these skills.

After watching this documentary, I realized I was being handed a gift although I did not know what it was in that moment.

Two weeks later I lost my job and three months later I officially started this company.  Although I did not officially declare it at first, I always knew I was going to write a book.  The question for so long was about what and for whom.  When I think of Fred Rogers, the words of communication, kindness, love, and respect come to mind.  I have discovered that my mission is to write a children’s book series that focuses on these concepts.  As I get closer to the day these books become a reality, I dream of creating a  space where children are able to communicate how they feel, spread kindness to others, and demonstrate respect to others.  Mister Rogers set a beautiful example and I strive to do the same through each curiously curated creation.

Love Always,

Kristina Lucia xoxo